Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

World of Poetry is Magical: Wizkonect

This is for the first time that I was sent two poetry books from Shreya Chatterjee- a publisher, poet and entrepreneur- ‘All About Books’ . They were sent for reading, enjoying and reviewing. I diligently read them because I had to do justice with them. I must say both the books have a collection of charming,  soul-touching and thought-provoking poems. In fact I am thoroughly inspired and you never know would be penning down some soon. 


The Blurb says—

Axiom of Oomph contains, beautiful magical dreams that spin around the variant treasures of trials, tribulations and convictions of fervor. The twist and turns lead us to an unfathomable ardor; which is the story of everyone. Still we love to live the enchanting brio with pathos and dreams waiting for a spark.

Publisher: All About Books Global
Author:   Parna Banerjee Sarkar



The poetess Parna has poured down her heart in here through her mystical words. Her poetry wraps her anxieties, passions, desires, dreams, fear in a medley of enchanting words. The poems are beautifully created. Truths of life are revealed in many shades.  The revelations, the hopes, the laughter touched me deep down.  There were enchanting poems and inspiring poems like ‘ Tonight is a mystical night’, ‘Given You My Thumb Finger’, ‘She was born to have a Flight’, ‘My destiny Leads Me’ ‘Crowning Ceremony’ etc.

The Prologue says about it aptly- the book deals with the epilogue of desires, hope and fear where lover is ‘Moon Struck’.

The writings are fantastic,  easy use of words makes them reader friendly. However, they must be read with focus to extract the best of them. They are inspired from all aspects of life and each reader will be able to connect with some or the other poem definitely.  The poetess has touched upon the delicate details of life,  the elegant ways of style and playful rhythm of  love, passion and desires.  Some of poems are satirical and take a dig at the ways of the world, some question the stark truths of life and others are too subtle just to be deeply admired. 

Lovely Collection!!!

🙂 🙂


WizKonect introduces “Wordsmith” – a national level poetry contest. First in its own kind, “Wordsmith” works towards bringing Indian poems and poets into limelight. The book “words of smiths” comprises of the best entries of this contest.

Publisher: All About Books Global



This one too has beautiful thoughts put down at one place. I was overwhelmed to read a few which touched my heart with sincerity and love. Some of them are beautifully expressed and are adorned with lovely imaginations and profound narrations.  They rightfully capture the nerve and beat of the situation. Each one has a deep meaning to convey, a message to spread, a desire to share,  a passion to live etc.

None can be compared with each other. The novice or the veteran artists have put up a great work in here. Life’s every aspect has been touched upon. Some have crafted lengthy  and thoroughly engaging works while others have used minimalism to get the highest concentration of meaning in the lesser number of words. The result is impressive.  Love, faith, hope, romance, date, charm, solitary, bliss- its all in here.

Through this platform, the artists have painted beautiful pictures of emotions and relationships. Poems talk about the most beautiful relationship with Mothers, Sweethearts graciously. Romance, Truths of Life, life of a Female Foetus touch us deep within and make us thoughtful. Some of the issues of dowry, victimization of women, etc have been touched upon differently. 

Though they all are the best ones put together, however I would like to mention a few of my favorites. They were – ‘A Mother’s Imprint’, ‘Any Time Soon’, ‘ Coffee without Mum’, ‘Metamorphosis’, ‘Solitude’, ‘ World-Start Serving Better’, ‘The Sane Insanity’ .

I must say the passion showcased through the collection of 50+ beautiful writings is great job done. I must say all them definitely bring us closer to life.

WizKonect has decided to continue with this Poetry Event every year.  I am sure it will get better each time. It seems to be a great concept to me. Poetry is vast and  beautiful. It needs to be given its lost stature and glamour in India. All the budding poets must look forward to be a part of the coming collections of Wordsmith. Get going now!

However, I liked the title of the Book ‘Words of Smith’, but was not really impressed with the cover design. It could have been more thoughtful and attention grabbing.


🙂 🙂 🙂

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