Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Lockdown Notes- What are our options to survive the current situation?

Lockdown Art

Oh yeah! We are living in the times of lockdown and quarantine. Go ahead and pinch yourself, but this isn’t a dream. We are all creating history. I am not aware when was the last time when millions of people were asked to confine to their homes due to a pandemic. On the personal level, things might look okay, but on the larger scale, they are not okay. We know that, right? Don’t worry, the present does feel unreal but keep reminding yourself this shall pass.

We are talking about it. We are praying. We are clapping. We are washing hands. We are reminding each other of social distancing. We are all dealing with the current scenario in the best possible way. But are we all together in this? Let us not ignore this question because we are still stuck on “They are positive”. It doesn’t take much time for “They” to become “We”. Don’t wait for the time till the concerns about Covid-19 became much more personal.

Some of us are affected with the whole negativity and we are cutting down on the intake of information. We have stopped following some of the #coronavirus hashtags. We might be contemplating quitting social media. There are some who would have stopped reading about it too. Even I am trying to steer away from negativity by channelizing my energy towards capturing the thoughts and moments from this time. But tell me honestly, hasn’t it become a part of our subconscious minds?

Today, while I was standing on the balcony of my fifth floor and looking at the empty roads and silent neighborhood, I was actually hung upon this one thought (one question) – What are our options?


Half a million people in the world are suffering with a new virus. We may have been denying or dodging the reality but we cannot change the truth. But as they say, there are only two ways to handle most of the things in life – “Yes or No, Take it or leave it, Black or White”. While human race may have found a mid-way for many other situations, the present has left us with no mid-way.

Honestly, I feel COVID 19 has not even given us two options. There is only one, to be on the side of prevention.

Lockdown has definitely given us lot of time to reflect. One perspective may be saying Earth was aiming for internal balance and this is a way to achieve it. May be, but I also believe we are part of the ecosystem and we don’t have to see people dying for no reason but a virus.

I have been reading a lot of positive articles and here are some of my takeaways, in my words.


  1. Accept the truth. Tell the truth. You got to know the real situation to feel in control of the situation.
  2. Extend help by staying at home and seek help when needed.
  3. Obey the restrictions.
  4. Some of the last pandemics and deadly diseases asked for a lot, this one just demands washed hands and being at home.
  5. Overwhelming compliance to lockdown and social distancing are our two most strongest weapons in this fight.
  6. Adapt to this new form of awareness for your own well being and others.
  7. Home is the place where we must take shelter at this crucial hour. We may have traveled the world but nothing feels better than home.
  8. Remember, we are all in this together. We will overcome it together.
  9. Always go for ‘Science’ and ‘Facts’ over myths, always.
  10. Stop ignoring people. Now is the time to be aware of everyone around us, even the stranger who is standing at the shop. You must notice him, you must maintain a distance and you must feel concerned about his and your own health.
  11. There are many types of loneliness and lockdowns in this world. Keep reminding to oneself, that this is rare.
  12. Understand the real meaning of asymptomatic. It is important to change our outlook towards the disease.
  13. A crisis is a teacher. This one has come to remind us that we were not supposed to take things for granted.
  14. Among the tragic losses, success stories will shine through. Let us create those success stories.
  15. Focus on family, engaging activities, calmness and joy.
  16. Feel a sense of purpose towards containment and prevention. We all have a part to play in this war.
  17. We have grown up reading survival of the fittest. Now is the chance to make it survival of the community.

All together we have only one option, to be on the side that will help us to sail through this time. You and I have to be on the side of humanity and community to survive through this.


We got to choose prevention and positivity because the other side is unknown, unpredictable and painful.

If you have some other options, please do share in the comment below.

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